Music Opera Concert | The 3 Tenors | Capuchins Choir | Outdoor Opera

Choir Concert and Tour in the Capuchin Crypt in Rome

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Capuchin Choir Concert + Tour €78  → 
(On Thursdays)

Choir Concert in the Capuchin Crypt in Rome in Italy
Choir Concert Capuchin Crypt
Before the concert, you will enjoy a guided tour of the funeral chambers, the underground crypts, and the Capuchin Museum with its masterpieces by Guido Reni and Domenichino.

In addition to the relics of the life of St. Francis, the crypt is decorated with the bones of 4,000 Capuchin monks.

After the visit, you will attend the choral concert of the famous ensemble “Schola Romana” inside the Basilica of Santa Maria Immacolata.

The program includes Gregorian songs with the best polyphonic compositions of the Roman school, including masterpieces by Palestrina.

Music Opera Concert | The 3 Tenors | Capuchins Choir | Outdoor Opera

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